ChaCha Update

Hello everyone. As promised, I am filling you in on my experience so far with ChaCha guide training. I haven't had much time to really get through the training as quickly as I would've like to as I've had many health issues lately, but I can tell you I have found it to be somewhat confusing to navigate the website. You really have to learn where to login and what tabs to look for to find your way around or you will be logging in to the query section instead of the training section. Perhaps it's just I who gets confused, but nevertheless it was difficult. Once I signed into the correct page for future guides in training, I went back to the Guide Universe page to continue my studies only to find that there are no markers or completion indicators o let you know what you've finished and where to begin next time you login. Again, this may be just me, but I got pretty frustrated at first. I still don't know how to tell when I've completed a module and can move ahead, but I will get there. I am still very happy with the in depth training modules as they are informative and  offer a "hands on" approach where you can try out the steps as you go. I hope to have more time to research this job more thoroughly  so I can better update you as to just how good of a side job this can be. I've heard only good things, so I can't wait to experience it for myself! I'll keep filling you in as I go along. Wish me luck!

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